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Studying for an ICC Exam?
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About Our Exams
Our Practice Exams are offered on the Udemy platform to provide you with a fresh and modern approach that best mirrors ICC’s exam experience.
Unlike other practice exams out there, we provide lifetime access with unlimited retakes. You can access the exams via a computer or mobile device.
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FAQs About Our Practice Exams
You can take these practice exams as many times as you want. There are unlimited retakes.
Unlike other practice exams out there, we provide lifetime access. You can access the exams via a computer or mobile device.
Each practice exam includes 2 full practice tests that are multiple-choice. The practice exam is based on the exam version you purchase. The code edition of the references you are using should reflect the code edition of the exam you are taking.
These practice exams are online practice exams intended to help you prepare for the actual exam by helping you navigate through the code book to familiarize yourself with the code sections.
This is not a course. There is no lecture and does not include any codebooks.
Practice exams do not provide any CEU credits for certification renewals. These practice exams are designed with the purpose of best mirroring ICC’s exam experience so that you can get a feel for the exam.
However, when you take the actual exam through ICC and pass, it can count for some CEU credits. For more information regarding this, please read ICC’s certification renewal bulletin on their website for more information.
Our practice exams are online practice exams that you can access from a computer or mobile device anytime. We do not offer a PDF copy. The purpose of the online exams is to provide you with a fresh and modern approach that best mirrors ICC’s exam experience. Unlike other practice exams out there, we provide lifetime access with unlimited retakes.
You will find the results to the questions at the end of the exam when you finish. It will provide you with a summary of all the questions that you got right and wrong. For all the questions, it will provide the section within the code book where the answer can be found. This is done this way to best simulate an actual exam by providing a timed practice exam with the results given at the end.
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Unfortunately there is no “Secret” to passing the ICC exams. But I will share with you a tip.
The key to passing the exam is being comfortable with navigating through the code book(s) you are being tested on. Highlighting and tabing the code book can help a lot. Then go through the table of contents and index to get familiar with where certain topics are located. Remember you don’t need to memorize, you just have to know where to find the answer. Although memorizing general key sections might be helpful to save time, but always check back with the code book if you have enough time left.
Like with many things if you allow enough time going through the book to familiarize yourself with each section, you will eventually pass. Don’t get discouraged, you can do this with enough dedication. It just takes time and commitment. And when you do pass, it will feel even more rewarding.
Good Luck!
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