Now lets get straight to the point…
Is Ventilation Required in Bathrooms?
Section R303.3 requires bathrooms, water closets and other similar rooms to be provided with natural ventilation.
When natural ventilation is not provided, the code does allow mechanical ventilation, via an exhaust fan, to be provided given a minimum exhaust rate is met.
How Much Ventilation does a Bathroom need?
Natural Bathroom Ventilation Requirements
Bathrooms must be provided with an aggregate glazing area via a window that is not less than 3 square feet and at least one-half of the window area must be openable to have enough natural ventilation coming in.
For example a 2’x1′ window in a bathroom would not comply because it is less than 3 square feet. If a 3’x1′ window is used, it will comply since it has an aggregate glazing area of 3 square feet, however 1.5 square feet of it must be openable to meet the ventilation requirements of section R303.3.
Generally this is how you calculate the natural ventilation for bathrooms.
Mechanical Bathroom Ventilation Requirements
The code does have an exception when it come to bathroom ventilation. A window is not required in a bathroom when a bathroom exhaust fan is provided.
Since the window had to be a minimum size for ventilation, likewise the exhaust fan must have a minimum exhaust rate which is determined in accordance with Section M1505 of the International Residential Code.
Section M1505 goes over the requirements for mechanical ventilation. Specifically Section M1505.4.4 specifies the minimum exhaust rate for bathrooms.
This section refers to a table that says a bathroom or toilet room, within a one and two family dwelling, must have a minimum exhaust rate of 50 cfm intermittent or 20 cfm continuous.

When an exhaust fan is continuous, meaning that it is continually running, it can have a lower rate but for most residential homes, an exhaust fan is intermittent since it has an on/off switch, therefore the rate must be no less than 50 cfm. However the code does give you the option for both scenarios.
Do Bathroom Exhaust Fans need to be vented outside?
Yes, air from an exhaust fan must discharge directly to the outside and not into attics, the soffit vent, ridge vents or crawl spaces per Section M1501.1.
For more information on How to Properly Vent Bathroom Exhaust Fans, be sure to check out this POST.
Summary of Bathroom Ventilation Requirements
Lets quickly recap the Bathroom Ventilation requirements per the International Residential Code (IRC):
- Bathrooms require natural ventilation or mechanical ventilation per Section R303.3.
- When natural ventilation is used, a window that is not less than 3 square feet where at least one-half of the window area is openable must be provided.
- When mechanical ventilation is used, an exhaust fan having a minimum exhaust rate of 50 cfm intermittent or 20 cfm continuous must be provided.
- The bathroom exhaust fan must be vented directly to the outside.
* Reference Source – 2018 International Residential Code – [Buy on Amazon]
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