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Practice Quiz | (CT) CALGreen Inspector / Plans Examiner

This practice quiz is designed for those who are looking to take the 2016 or 2019 (CT) CALGreen Inspector / Plans Examiner Certification Exam administered through the International Code Council (ICC). Feel free to use this quiz as a way to assess where you’re currently at. This free quiz contains 10 questions from our premium CT CALGreen Inspector / Plans Examiner Practice Exam.

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Good Luck and Happy Test Taking!

(CT) CALGreen Inspector/Plans Examiner Practice Quiz

1 / 10

Residential lavatory faucets shall have a flow rate of no less than ___ gallons per minute at ___ psi.

2 / 10

A four story Group R occupancy building is considered a Low-Rise Residential Building.

3 / 10

Which of the following is considered Graywater?

4 / 10

The provisions of CALGreen will apply to Nonresidential additions of _______ square feet or greater.

5 / 10

How many clean air vehicles spaces are required when there is a total number of 82 parking spaces provided?

6 / 10

Indoor carpet adhesives installed in residential buildings shall have a VOC limit of ___.

7 / 10

Which agency has the responsibility to enforce the CALGreen regulations for community colleges?

8 / 10

An office building is undergoing a tenant improvement that triggers 15 additional vehicular parking spaces. What is the minimum number of required long-term bicycle parking?

9 / 10

Tenant spaces separated by wall and floor-ceiling assemblies shall have an STC rating of at least ___ for the assemblies.

10 / 10

Awnings installed over exterior entries shall have a depth of at least _____ to prevent water intrusion.



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