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Practice Quiz | (P1) Residential Plumbing Inspector

This practice quiz is designed for those who are looking to take the 2018 or 2021 (P1) Residential Plumbing Inspector Certification Exam administered through the International Code Council (ICC). Feel free to use this quiz as a way to assess where you’re currently at. This free quiz contains 10 questions from our premium P1 Residential Plumbing Inspector Practice Exam.

If you find this quiz helpful, please checkout the link to our Practice Exam offered below.

Good Luck and Happy Test Taking!

(P1) Residential Plumbing Inspector Practice Quiz

1 / 10

What color pipe is used to identify nonpotable water distribution piping?

2 / 10

The maximum water consumption flow rate for a sink faucet shall be:

3 / 10

When installed in a garage, water heaters having an ignition source must be elevated a minimum of ___ inches above the garage floor.

4 / 10

When chemicals are introduced into the lawn irrigation system, the potable water supply must be protected against backflow by which of the following standards?

5 / 10

A shower liner test shall consist of the shower drain being plugged and the floor and receptor area be filled with water to a depth no less than ___ inches measured at the threshold. The water shall remain for at least ___ minutes to inspect if any leakage occurs.

6 / 10

ABS pipes installed horizontally shall be supported at a maximum ___ feet intervals.

7 / 10

A 36,000 Btu/h Water Heater installed in a building provided with outdoor combustion air through one-permanent opening shall have the opening be a minimum ____ square inches in area.

8 / 10

The temperature-relief valve for water heaters shall be set to open at a temperature no greater than ____ ℉.

9 / 10

A building drain that passes through a foundation wall shall pass through a pipe sleeve that is sized ___ pipe sizes greater than the pipe passing through the wall.

10 / 10

The minimum trap size for a lavatory fixture shall be ____ inches.



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Test your knowledge of the code with 2 full practice exams (60 questions each) based on the 2018 or 2021 Residential Plumbing Inspector Exam.


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